He loves it and it sits Proudly in his Fantasy book about Dwarves. As he puts it, "its an alian with three willies", and abruptly gets corrected with "like a true Manxman, it has three legs".
I'm still Warming to it, But I'm sure he will enjoy.
Hunny went to a Hospital appointment in Liverpool, So left me in bed with a cuddle and a kiss goodbye and instruction to spoil myself to sitting in a coffee house with my kindle.
I Soon got up and went out for a wonder along the prom northwards, soon to turn around and headed back towards town and into the street. Did a couple of jobs and headed out to COSTA at the sea terminal for a MOCHA COOLER...
and read my kindle for a little while.
I soon got home and pottered about in our room and tidied this and that... By the time i had finnished tidying and finnished watching a show on TV Hunny was HOME..... Tea time yummy