Thursday, 16 February 2012

You learn something new every day....

I've managed to get alittle closer still to being a good landlady... these last couple of days I've been on a course that taught me "proffesional staff recruitment and training..... I PASSED!!!!!!!   lots of high marks!!!!!  only had one hiccup but I corrected myself afterwards in the Feedback... which helped my over all scores......

The scores  (there were 20 odd of them)  score abit like this  

Bad                                  Good
-2        -1        0        +1        +2
So the over all was  ALL but 1 were +2   that 1 was a 0... 
(eg 38/40) so  YEY  !!!!!! 

Thursday, 2 February 2012


This is my christmas pressie of my mum... A KINDLE   and I'm alittle lost without it now.  I love sitting and reading, it's nice and light in my bag And look, Mum made the case!!  When I put it on my bed, I often can't find it.. its Camuflaged into my 2 blankets she made me for various other occasions in similar fabrics.


(pic 2)We also have here alittle embroidery.. It was random at the time with it starting as a scrap of paper with a very paisley looking flower on it... I had decided to go only a tad crazy with PINK!!!
 and GREEN!!!

And finaly (Pic 3), a little surprise for mum I'M SURE she will want to pinch it. So it is safe for now in my Book being kept flat