Thursday, 25 December 2014

Christmas Day

Apart from teethies hurting and causing ROSEY cheeks...  I think she had a good day...
Love from N Z and nana Lou..
Two beautiful dolls, new swimming costume and shorts and t shirt
lets start at the beginning!!!!
somebody woke me up at 2:30 this morning....
it is now 5:30 in the evening now.
By this point it is 6:30am.. I've been awake the whole time
I thought of revenge... but who can resist this gorgeous sight,
I left her to it... she only slept a few more minutes.
whilst sausages sizzled away in the oven... we opened presents....
here you see her new dollies and magnetic drawing pad...
she loves cuddling her dollies   and well   everywhere she went around the flat... there be at least one magnetic shape left behind... often carrying the pad about

Once dressed in a gorgeous outfit sent from her GREAT auntie Emma back on the Isle of Man.
and got to Nana Mumbles house
(mmmm turkey was the first thing you could smell as you wondered though the garage to the back door), we managed to get a picture of plaited piggy tails

Tilly's outfit

Well we cant leave the house without a cuddly toy  and the boy dolly came with us.
So here we are.. Santa had been here too

with jigsaw clocks....
noisy books...
and the farm fun pop up set...
 "oooooooooh" for moo

of course we are lucky if pieces of jigsaw stay with the rest of it

being a poser...

being a stunner


ah   MEGA blocks... lots of fun

Mummy has to build things... and tilly dismantles it...

whilst she was inspecting Nana's goings on I the kitchen  ( both of them playing under the ruddy table)
mummy made a BIGGG tower!
it WAS taller than Tilly

gorgeous smiles all day... just a shame her teethies made her cheeks very pink and so detinox gel and a dodey to help take the edge off.
She is just having a snooze. Fell asleep before we reached the half way mark home (the lake from previous posts  where the park is) 
she feels she is missing out when at Nana's
still snoozing, I don't mind, we will get her back into a normality again soon

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