Thought I would show you some CHEEKY smiles from our visit to Nana Mumbles (daddy's mum)
Sitting in the seat molei and I fight over (I get demoted to the sofa, next to mumbles if paddy hasn't already taken it)
look at that smile... how can you not melt?
she is wearing her new jumper. it has a bit of growth space, as you see.
But its just like mummy,
Big jumpers are cosier
She has become a little poser and a little more girly
And suits her hair out of her face.
("wheres the shaggy dog gone???")
full of smiles today and Kisses all round
Who needs a photo studio with a lovely living room like this?
pinching nana's fabric orchids from her smelly pot (fragrant dried flowers and a few fabric ones too)
We popped upstairs to see what Daddy and Pop pops were upto
(on Pop pops laptop and sorting printer inks)
and cause mischief by swapping bins around in the bedrooms and office
Then after a tuna sandwich (she loved it),
we popped outside to see what the sunflowers were doing...
... Getting tall
we were going to send the picture into cbeebeies (toddler channel on t v) to show them how tall they were,
but mummy was too late, the "send in" section was closed and preparing for the next show and tell.
maybe next time, see what it is they ask for.
time for a cup of tea (juice for paddy) and a biscuit.
Oh we cant forget cuddles